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Bunny Rabbit Muse

My muse for the last three books is a little rabbit named Bitty Bunny. I met Bitty the first autumn I lived in my current house and he kept me company all through the writing of my Broadswords and Ballroom series. When Mary Elizabeth had me laughing out loud as I wrote on my lap top on the porch, he would sit, unfazed, munching grass and clover.

Here are some other bunnies who are not my muse, but who are super cute anyway.

The baby bunny who lolls around waiting to eat...

The rabbit from my cousin's yard who listens for predators....

And the ever-popular Highland bunny, in full kilt...

Maybe my characters in my next novels need a bunny rabbit of their own.

Ever since Christy English picked up a fake sword in stage combat class at the age of fourteen, she has lived vicariously through the sword-wielding women of her imagination. Sometimes an actor, always a storyteller, Christy works happily with Sourcebooks Casablanca to bring the knife-throwing women of her novels to life. A banker by day and a writer by night, she loves to eat chocolate, drink too many soft drinks, and walk the mountain trails of her home in western North Carolina.
